Zoodle Recipes

Yellow Squash Noodles With Spicy Tomato Sauce

Hi Fellow Low Carbers! Yellow squash is super tasty and low in carbs.  In fact, 1 cup of this cooked yellow, oblong-shaped veggie is only 8 net carbs! That’s fantastic, considering you need to get at least 12-15 carbs from foundation vegetables (think salads) and another…

Zoodle Recipes

Pesto Zucchini Noodles With Sauteed Shrimp

Hi Fellow Low Carbers, Do you like shrimp?  How about pesto? Pesto adds a delicate brininess to pasta.  But instead of pasta, we’re going to be using zucchini noodles and combining it with shrimp. Yummy. This recipe is from the Veggie Bullet Cookbook. INGREDIENTS 2 zucchini,…